Can a Toilet and Shower Share the Same Drain in Your Burlington, MA, Home?

While establishing your home’s plumbing system, experts need to make a decision about connecting toilet and shower drains. Can a toilet and shower share the same drain, and if so, is it the best option for your home’s plumbing? Discover the answer in this helpful guide from the team at Spencer Home Services. 

We specialize in drain cleaning in Burlington and can keep your plumbing system in excellent condition no matter if you have a shared drain for the toilet and shower. 

Why Burlington Homeowners Prefer a Separate Drainage System for Toilet and Shower

The wastewater you flush down your toilet and the water that flows down your shower drain all end up in the same place. Since this is the case, you’d think that it’s fine to share a common drain for the toilet and shower. However, many Burlington homeowners and plumbers alike prefer to separate them because of the water safety levels. 

The wastewater that flows through residential toilets is called black water because it contains the highest amount of contaminants and presents the most health risks. Shower drains often contain gray water, which isn’t as impure as black water but still isn’t completely safe to consume. The distinction between the two water types leaves many people wanting separate drains for each fixture. 

How Can a Toilet and Shower Share the Same Drain?

Using a common drain for the toilet and shower might not seem ideal to you, but it is possible. Any plumbing setup with shared drains requires some intervention from a professional plumber who can install the following key components.

Common Vents

Black water flooding can be extremely dangerous for your health and require significant restoration and cleaning efforts to make your Burlington home safe. To prevent this, plumbers must take steps to avoid water backflow. Common vents tackle this issue by allowing both toilet and shower water to flow from the drain without forming an airlock. 

PVC Connectors

When you ask a plumber, “How can toilet and shower use the same pipe?” they’ll tell you that PVC connectors must be in place. These connect the shower and toilet so they share the same drain. Installing PVC connectors requires the help of a licensed plumber because of certain requirements necessary for successful drainage, including:

  • Adding sink traps
  • Only connecting toilets and showers within six feet of each other
  • Removing the ends of the sink and toilet vents

Maintaining a Shared Bathroom Drainage System

Now that you know the answer to “Can a toilet and shower share the same drain?” let’s go over the ways that you can take care of your plumbing fixtures with this setup. A crucial form of plumbing maintenance involves clog prevention and drain cleaning. Using a shared drain for your toilet and shower exacerbates the need for clean drains. 

For example, if a foreign object ends up clogging your sewer line, it can end up impacting your shower drain when you flush the toilet. You might notice foul odors or sewage coming out of your shower drain because the black water from the toilet can’t flow through the sewer line. 

The following tips should help keep your bathroom plumbing in good condition.

Use Drain Stoppers

Your shower drain can quickly fill with hair and soap residue. Place a strainer over the drainer to collect any clumps of hair that you can dispose of rather than letting it clog the drain. Taking steps to keep your shower drain clear will lead to fewer problems if your toilet drain clogs. 

Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaners

Don’t pour a chemical drain cleaner into your shower or toilet. These products contain dangerous chemicals that can corrode your pipes and pose health hazards. Instead, opt for an all-natural cleaning solution such as an enzyme-based cleaner to break down stubborn clogs. 

Use a Drain Snake

Take care of stubborn clogs with a drain snake on your own or with the help of a professional plumber. This device not only dislodges natural clogs but also removes foreign objects from drains. 

Contact Spencer Home Services for Professional Plumbing Solutions in Burlington, MA

Not only can a toilet and shower share the same drain, but you can also alter your current plumbing setup to create either a separate or connected drainage system for toilets and showers. The experts at Spencer Home Services are here to enhance your Burlington home’s plumbing system. Turn to us if you need drain clog prevention and cleaning tips or if you want to either connect or separate your toilet and shower drains. 

Call (978) 306-4062 to schedule an appointment.