When to Call a Plumber in Peabody, MA?

Does anybody really go through life without ever dealing with occasional toilet clogs or slow-draining sinks? If you’re a homeowner, it’s almost inevitable. You might even be a seasoned veteran at these messy affairs, with a plunger always by your side. 

Still, some issues just aren’t a DIY job. Do you know when to call a plumber?

Since 1980, Spencer Home Services has been providing our neighbors with a reputable, dependable, and knowledgeable team. When you need the best plumbing contractor in Peabody, MA, reach out to our company, which is rated five stars by HomeAdvisor. But first, let’s look at which plumbing issues you can handle and what to do if you can’t.

What Most Residents Can Handle Without Professional Plumbing Assistance

At the very least, the average home has a plunger, which is all that minor clogs demand. Is water pooling in your sink basin or around your shower or bathtub drain? The plunger may suction up the hair, soap scum, or other elements causing the blockage.

Similarly, if wipes, diapers, and other hard-to-flush items jam your toilet line, the plunger could clear the pathway to allow things to dissipate. If not, some homeowners will even snake deeper or denser clogs or pour in chemical cleansers as directed.

Of course, if all else fails and human waste seems to be threatening to overflow back into the bathroom, you shouldn’t hesitate to schedule plumbing services! 

What Plumbing Problems Warrant an Expert’s Help?

Plumbing can be tricky, and multiple problems share symptoms. A professional plumber‘s cameras easily observe issues before augering or hydro-jetting, so call in any plumbing issue if you have the slightest doubt on what to do. Consider the cases below.

Little To No Water Pressure

Like drain clogs, faucet clogs happen in the aerator, a screen that screws onto your faucet’s tip. This clog lowers your water pressure, usually when there’s mineral buildup (iron and calcium compounds from hard water) or rust and mildew accumulating. A vinegar soak might break apart the buildup so that you can reinstall a clean aerator, but if not, you’ll have the first clue about when to call a plumber for help.

Water pressure also drops with clogged or corroded pipes that need cleaning, or there’s a burst pipe that needs repairing. Breaks leak half your running water into your property’s structure or the ground, which limits how much water makes it through your faucets. A professional checks all these factors to repair your water pressure issue, including:

  • Opening any closed water valves
  • Replacing your plumbing’s pressure regulator
  • Replacing faulty fixtures

A Broken or Malfunctioning Water Heater

Have you ever stepped into a nice, steamy shower and then noticed the water chill just a few minutes in? Is something wrong with your water heater? If it’s a new tank, it may be too small for your household demands, but if not, a plumber will check for the following:

  • A faulty heating element
  • A malfunctioning thermostat, affecting the heating power 
  • Sediment buildup
  • Other reasons for low water pressure barring optimal flow to and from the heater
  • Cracks or leaks in the water tank

Your Toilet Won’t Stop Running

When you flush your toilet, water rushes into the tank as it fills the bowl. Normally, this takes about 30 seconds. Running longer than this wastes water—around 144 to 8,640 gallons per day, according to the Eastern Municipal Water District!

Rather than risk exorbitant water bills, call a plumber to clean or replace your toilet’s dirty or broken flapper that no longer properly seals the drain. They’ll check the chain connecting the flapper and flush lever are not too taut or loose (preventing it from opening during flushes). Then, they’ll check the float isn’t set too high (overflow spillage issues) or too low (a weak flush).

One Last Reason To Call a Plumber in Peabody For Help

Another common DIY plumbing issue is fixing leaky faucets, whether it’s a slow drip or a constant trickle that wastes water and raises your bills. From worn O-rings and broken seals to corroded valve seats and loose washers, a quick hardware store run could facilitate parts replacement. 

With some plumbing experience, these replacements are easy. Without it, you’ll need to contact a plumbing specialist like Spencer Home Services instead.

Massachusetts Home Services That Are Top-Rated for a Reason!

Spencer Home Services believes in making good connections, and not just between the pipes in your property’s plumbing system. Our family-owned and operated team of over 40 years offers unparalleled service. You know when to call a plumber, so get in touch at 978-440-3529 today!