Why Is My Water Pressure Low in Salem, MA?

Imagine hopping into the shower and finding the flow from the showerhead isn’t quite what it was before. It feels more like a weakly curving fountain or trickle than the full effect you’re longing to enjoy under perfectly pressurized stream. You reach for the handle, thinking you didn’t turn the water completely on, but you did, and so you wonder, “Why is my water pressure low?”

Inconveniently, a lack of water pressure not only takes you longer to rinse off soap but also limits the force you need to remove oil and dirt from your scalp, hair, or body. You won’t feel (or be) as clean, but that’s only one of many reasons low water pressure is tragic. 

The top-rated Spencer Home Services team breaks things down below, as the certified plumbers in Salem, MA, explain the most common causes for this annoying issue.

Why Is Low Water Pressure Bad?

Water pressure should typically be between 40 and 60 PSI; anything less causes poor water flow. This may only be evident from one water fixture, such as a shower head, if there’s an outside factor affecting the pressure, like a dirty add-on filter that needs cleaning or replacing. Other times, the pressure diminishes throughout your home’s plumbing system.

For many property owners, the only thing worse than having water pressure issues is turning on multiple water appliances, say a washing machine and sprinkler system, and seeing that doing so reduces pressure in your home even more. Typically, this happens with a high household water usage demand and limited water supply that can only deliver a certain amount of water and has to split this flow between multiple fixtures. Your system sends less water to each location, lowering the pounds per square inch or water pressure, which is uncomfortable but also:

  • Makes washing machines and dishwashers work harder to pull in water, inefficiently washing items and prematurely damaging these systems
  • Takes longer to fill bathtubs, water a garden, or wash your car
  • Causes pipe leaks since decreased water speed in the system leads to air pockets that crack the material

What Causes Low Water Pressure in Salem?

As we’ve seen, adequate water pressure is crucial. Are you still wondering, “Why is my water pressure low?” The following common causes of water pressure issues could be to blame:

Buildup Blocking the Flow

Many cities add mineral deposits to public water supplies, such as sodium, potassium, zinc, and iron. The idea is to reduce deficiencies that could otherwise exist. Other times, hard water is in an area where groundwater flows through limestone and picks up minerals like calcium and magnesium. 

Whatever the reason, over time, mineral deposits build up within pipe walls and narrow the water’s passageway, which reduces how much of it passes through at once. Unfortunately, hard water also corrodes copper and galvanized steel pipes, so rust also accumulates.

Comfort-Decreasing Clogs

Minerals and corrosion do a lot more than build up; they also clog. If they don’t line the pipe walls, the minerals or rust particles form clumps within the network that need breaking up. DIY plunging doesn’t do a thing to these deeper clogs in the system.

If you have soft water and PVC piping, are you out of the woods? Unfortunately, there are a lot of other potential sources for clogs that decrease pressure in your house, such as:

  • Tree roots tapping into your pipes
  • Burrowing critters 
  • Jewelry and other unnatural obstructions

Pipe Leaks Delivering Water to the Wrong Places 

What’s worse than having a clogged pipe? Having a busted one. Whether it’s a crack in your water heater line or a broken seal somewhere in your main water supply system, water drips into surrounding walls, floorboards, and ceilings to cause water stains, fungal growth, and rot. 

With leaks, a percentage of every pound per square inch of water never makes it to the fixture or appliance. In that way, reduced water pressure also raises your utility bills.

Rest Easy With Our Home Services!

If new city regulations have caused a reduction in your water pressure or your municipality is rationing water during hot days, you may reach out to your water supplier. However, if you’re sure it’s a plumbing issue, be sure to contact local professionals like Spencer Home Services.

Our licensed and insured team has over 40 years of experience in everything from faucet repairs and excavations to 24/7 emergency plumbing. Why is my water pressure low? Learn more at 978-440-3529 today from Spencer Home Services’ plumbing, heating, and cooling experts!